Men's shirts
Collection of elegant and casual men's shirts. Sartorial tradition and quality materials for a men's shirt that combines style and comfort. Shirts in different colors, patterns and materials, perfect for a modern and classy wardrobe. Discover our proposals.
Slim long-sleeved shirt in Cotton - Old Money
- Bianco
- Celeste
- Righe Rosso
- Righe Azzurro
- Righe Marrone
Regular Shirt with French Collar in Cotton - System
- Galles Azzurro
- Righino Celeste
- Micro Quadro Azzurro
- Micro Quadro Viola
- Righe Celeste
- Righe Blu
- Righe Rosso
- Righe Larghe Celeste
- Righe Larghe Blu
- Blu con Righe Bianche
- 2+
Regular button-down shirt - Astaire
- Pied de poule Azzurro
- Pied de poule Viola
- Righino Azzurro
- Righe Fucsia
- Righe Azzurro
- Righe Blu
- Bianco
- Azzurro
Slim-fit shirt with French collar in cotton - Alipein
- Righe Large Blu
- Azzurro
- Micro Quadro Blu
- Righe Blu
- Righe Marrone
- Galles Azzurro
- Blu con Righe Bianche
Regular shirt with French collar in cotton - Twill
- Righe Spesse Azzurro
- Righe Spesse Blu
- Righe Larghe Azzurro
- Righe Larghe Rosso
- Righe Blu
- Righe Viola
- Righe Grigio
- Quadro Grigio
- Galles Azzurro
Regular cotton shirt with cut collar - Marine
- Righe Blu
- Righe Marrone
- Micro Quadro Celeste
- Spigato Bianco
- Spigato Azzurro
- Bianco
- Spigato Celeste
Regular shirt with French collar in honeycomb cotton - Flor
- Bianco
- Celeste
- Blu
- Verde
- Arancione
- Giallo